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the F-35 Fighter
Article from: High Performance Composites,
Jeff Sloan
Article Date: 10/19/2009 |
the Obama Administration announced earlier this year that the F-22
fighter jet program would be cut from the 2010 U.S. Department of
Defense (DoD) budget, sentiment among Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Co. employees at the company’s Fort Worth, Texas, facility
was bitter and sweet. The cavernous plant — 1 mile/1.6 km
long and 0.25 mile/0.4 km wide — is the assembly point not
only for the F-22, but also the forthcoming F-35 Lightning II, an
unscathed survivor of the DoD’s budget-cutting process.
From a budget perspective, the DoD’s preference for the F-35
— or Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) — is understandable.
Its flyaway cost of $83 million (depending on variant), is a relative
bargain compared to the F-22’s $143 million. And codevelopment
of the plane with cost-sharing partner countries ensures a long
orders list — Lockheed Martin plans to deliver more than 3,000
F-35s through 2036.
Unlike the air-to-air F-22, the F-35 is a multirole craft, designed
for air-to-air and the air-to-ground combat that U.S. airmen are
more likely to face, going forward. The multirole design makes the
F-35 highly adaptable. It comes in three variants: the F-35A for
conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL), the F-35B for short takeoff
and vertical landing (STOVL), and the F-35C for carrier-based landing
(CV). Multirole capability enables it to replace the F-16, A-10,
AV-8B and the F-18 in the U.S., and the Sea Harrier and GR.7 in
the U.K. In the U.S., it will complement existing F-22 and F-18E/F
fleets. From the manufacturing perspective, the variants share a
common design for more than 20 percent of the airframe structure,
thus reducing program cost.
Dozen-year development
Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor for the F-35, having won
the bid in October 2001. Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems are the
principal partners on the project. The three companies are more
than halfway through a 12-year System Development and Demonstration
(SDD) phase, which includes production and testing of 19 aircraft.
Composites have been a major part of the manufacturing effort. Northrop
Grumman makes the center fuselage at its Palmdale, Calif., plant;
BAE Systems produces the aft fuselage and tails at its facility
in Samlesbury, U.K. ATK (Magna, Utah) makes the wingskins; Lockheed
Martin makes the forward fuselage and assembles finished aircraft
in Fort Worth. The first F-35, a CTOL variant, flew for the first
time on Dec. 15, 2006. All SDD aircraft are in production or on
the flight line for testing; the first 14 production-model F-35s
have started assembly.
HPC was recently invited to tour the massive Fort Worth facility
and see firsthand how composites are being shaped for this next-generation
Big job on a tight budget
One of the challenges of manufacturing a fighter that is marketed,
in part, as budget-friendly, is that special care must be taken
to cost-optimize every component of the plane. This is perhaps most
true for the F-35’s carbon fiber composites, which comprise
approximately 35 percent of the structural weight and most of the
visible surface on the fighter. And with fuselage sections, wings,
and tails coming from different suppliers, the biggest challenge
Lockheed faces is managing the aircraft’s composite skin thickness.
Don Kinard, technical deputy, JSF Production Operations, at Lockheed
Martin Aeronautics, says the company spent considerable time evaluating
a variety of material types — composites, aluminum, titanium
and steel — for the aircraft frame and skin to establish a
cost/benefit ratio that was the most cost-effective.
“Can we make an all-composite fighter jet?” asks Kinard.
“Sure, but we don’t do something just because we can.
Everything is a cost-benefit analysis. Where are the best places
to most efficiently use composites?” He notes that composite
substructures were evaluated for the F-16, F-22 and F-35, but didn’t
provide the weight savings needed to justify cost. “We needed
to save a lot more weight for composite substructures to make sense,”
he says. Also, he notes, in composites substructures, “z-directional
properties are the problem. The strength of resin will have to be
significantly improved. There’s a lot to overcome.”
As a result, composites on the F-35 are used almost exclusively
in skin applications. Kinard notes that Lockheed, wherever in-flight
service temperatures allow, uses carbon fiber/epoxy from Cytec Engineered
Materials (Tempe, Ariz.), but much of the plane’s skin requires
higher heat resistance, where Cytec’s CYCOM 5250-4 bismaleimide
(BMI) is used. Although Lockheed is evaluating the new crop of out-of-autoclave
(OOA) resins for special applications, Kinard foresees no near-term
changes in the matrix.
During the F-35’s SDD phase, production of skin sections has
differed, depending on the supplier, the part’s complexity
and cost effectiveness. ATK, for instance, uses automated fiber
placement (AFP) technology to produce many of the wing composite
parts. Lockheed internally chose to produce the forward fuselage
skins using hand layup. As the F-35 enters production, more domestic
and international aerospace suppliers will be involved with composite
part production, including Alenia Aeronautica (Rome, Italy), Kongsberg
Defence Systems (Kongsberg, Norway) Terma A/S (Grenaa, Denmark),
TAI (Istanbul, Turkey) and others. “We’re leveraging
the capacity of the entire world in terms of composites fabrication,”
contends Kinard.
Kinard says much of his and Lockheed’s F-35 composites energy
is focused on managing the thickness of the composite skins. This
is accomplished via addition and subtraction of composite plies
based on careful metrology in some cases and by machining of parts
in other cases.
Kinard says consistency of composite skin thickness is critical
for the weight-, performance- and cost-conscious F-35. Lockheed
and its partners use two methods to make sure skins meet thickness
targets: Machining or post-mold ply additions. At Lockheed Martin
in Fort Worth, forward fuselage skins are hand-layed on Invar 35
tooling and cured in one of three large autoclaves built by Taricco
Corp. (Long Beach, Calif.). Sacrificial plies cured into the laminates
are subsequently machined to control thickness of the skins. At
ATK, fiber-placed skins for the wing are cured and, following cure,
skin thickness is precisely measured using a process developed by
Lockheed Martin’s Manufacturing Technology & Production
Engineering personnel. If needed, additional plies are layed up
and the entire structure is cured a second time in a process called
cured laminate compensation (CLC). “The Holy Grail here is
to control thickness,” he says, but points out that cost dictates
the strategy for doing so.
Massive machining center
Located in the center of Lockheed’s sprawling Fort Worth facility
is a key component of that strategy: The F-35’s machining
and drilling operation. Among the largest built by Dörries
Scharmann Technologie GmbH (DST, Mönchengladbach, Germany),
the 10m by 30m (33 ft by 99 ft) machining center at its heart machines
and drills some of the F-35’s forward fuselage skins, wingskins
and other composite parts. “Trimming and machining are a very
big deal for us on this program,” Kinard admits. The DST system
automates most work that, historically, has been performed manually.
Again, engineers from the Manufacturing Technology group were instrumental
in bringing these systems online and developing reliable machining
The DST system uses a flexible overhead gantry (FOG) with automatic
tool changer to handle trimming, drilling and compression routing.
Most of the machining done here is on the forward fuselage skins.
(Wingskin machining has been transferred back to ATK, which contracts
with Janicki Industries, Sedro-Woolley, Wash., for the machining.)
The forward fuselage skins take about eight hours to machine, mainly
because each skin section requires several setups. The machine works
on both sides of the structure, with one head machining the inner
mold line (IML, to control thickness) and the other drilling holes
and trimming the edge of part (EOP). The wingskins, when they were
machined by Lockheed, usually took less time to machine because
there is no IML machining to control for thickness — wing
parts use the CLC process to meet thickness parameters.
Most of the work in the DST machining center is handled by diamond-coated
carbide tooling supplied by AMAMCO Tool (Duncan, S.C.; see sidebar,
at left). AMAMCO designed the DST router especially for this application.
Following machining, all composite structures are rolled out of
the DST machine and into an adjacent room that houses a Carl Zeiss
IMT Corp. (Maple Grove, Minn.) metrology system, “the largest
high-tolerance measuring system in the world — as far as we
know,” says Kinard. It’s here that the skins’
dimensions, edges, and holes are checked for accuracy. In operation
since June 2008, the MMZ-B Plus gantry coordinate measuring machine’s
expansive measuring envelope — 5m by 16m by 2.5m (16 ft by
52 ft by 8 ft) — accommodates the wingskins of the F-35, as
well as aerodynamic tools, wind-tunnel models, 1:1 modules and other
airframe elements.
Lockheed Martin also inspects its composite structures for voids
and other internal flaws with a nondestructive laser ultrasonic
inspection system (laser UT) that it developed in-house. The system’s
400-MHz laser is directed toward the composite structures; signals
from that laser returned to a sensor reveal voids, cracks, delamination
and other flaws in the skins. With an operating speed of 6 ft2/min
(0.56m2/min), Kinard says it’s 10 times faster than traditional
squirter inspection systems and is an indispensable part of the
F-35 manufacturing process. Lockheed Martin patented the system,
but licensed the technology to PaR Systems Inc. (Shoreview, Minn.).
Drilling, drilling, drilling
Once the composite skins are molded, trimmed and inspected, they
are ready for attachment to constituent airframe structures. This
is accomplished with fasteners drilled through the skin and into
the frame at predetermined locations. Management and optimization
of drilling on the weight-sensitive F-35 has become a significant
effort, and part of the SDD process involves evaluation of drills,
drilling tool geometry, tool efficiency, tool life, hole-drilling
time, cost per hole drilled and other variables.
The F-35 is already off to a good start with drilling: Glenn Born,
manufacturing engineering senior staff at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
and one of the resident drilling gurus at the Fort Worth facility,
says the F-35 has less than 50 cutting tool drawings for the entire
craft. The F-16, by comparison, had 9,000. This reduction is attributed
mostly to standardization efforts integrated into both the F-22
and F-35 programs to address common hole sizes, fastener reduction
and common assembly methods for processing composite/metallic structures.
It also helps that composites drilling technology is evolving rapidly.
There are three types of drilling being evaluated on the F-35: manual,
powerfeed and automated (numerically controlled), although most
drilling at Lockheed is automated. In most cases, the F-35 drilling
method is “stacked,” which means that the composite
skin is placed on the substructure and a hole is drilled through
the skin and the substructure simultaneously with a single drill
tool that drills, reams and countersinks in one step. One of the
more impressive drilling operations on the F-35 involves the forward
fuselage, which has 750 holes on each side drilled into it by an
automated gantry-style head. (See photo, third from top, at right).
Born says the substructure provides backing for the skin and, therefore,
helps prevent delamination. The method’s disadvantage is the
amount of time it takes to produce one hole — about 30 seconds,
depending on skin thickness. “It could expedite the assembly
process if we drill the skin and substructure separately,”
Born admits, “but tolerances demand stack drilling. This is
especially challenging when parts are made elsewhere and then mated
at Lockheed Martin — with the reduced bolt-to-hole clearance
at maximum material condition, there’s too much opportunity
for interference.”
Wingskins are stack-drilled by an automated Cincinnati Milicron
gantry system. Subsequently, the F-35 team uses a Virtek Vision
International Inc. (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) laser projection
system to project fastener part numbers onto the surface of the
wingskins during fastener installation to eliminate the need to
refer to complex drawings. Where automated drilling is not possible,
manual drilling involves a template attached to the skin that shows
where to drill holes. Kinard reports that use of projection systems
has great potential to reduce labor and task spans.
Tracking a tool-change threshold
Given the decision to use stack drilling, Lockheed has focused on
developing parameters to measure hole quality and tool life, mainly
to assess the cost of tool wear and subsequent reduced drilling
speed against the cost of a new and faster tool. Most drill motors
used at the Fort Worth facility employ air and hydraulics. The sharpness
of the tool, however, dictates drilling speed. As the cutting tool
dulls, the process takes longer. “Our powerfeed system will
eventually measure the length of time to drill. When the threshold
is reached, an indicator light will notify the operator to change
the tool,” says Born. Ultimately, he says, Lockheed is looking
for good diameter tolerance and exceptional process control that
make noncompliant holes virtually nonexistent. The Cpk (statistical
measure of process capability) target for F-35 hole quality is 1.3;
Born says Cpk right now is about 1.0 and improving. “Our first
articles have quality better than some mature programs,” he
All of these trimming and machining systems and drilling processes
are being evaluated for efficiency, cost, speed and other variables
to determine best practices for the entire F-35 composites production
process. Lockheed Martin has established a drilling/machining Center
of Excellence at the Fort Worth facility to continue development
of cutting tools and technologies. And if the lifespan of the F-35
holds true, it appears that Lockheed Martin and all of its suppliers
have decades of composites optimization and management ahead of
them, as well.
Proving tool geometry and materials
When Lockheed Martin first began assessing router and drill
tools for F-35 production in its DST machining center (Dörries
Scharmann Technologie GmbH, Mönchengladbach, Germany),
it used a polycrystalline diamond (PCD) router with braised
diamond inserts. It featured straight flutes and produced
too much delamination on the composite structures, forcing
rework and increased tooling costs. Further, the tools lacked
the durability needed for this demanding application —
one 0.375-inch/9.5-mm-thick wingskin section typically required
24 tools to rout (this was when the F-35 had one large,
continuous top skin to cover both wings; current design
features three top skins).
Lockheed turned for help to the National Center for Defense
Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM, Latrobe, Pa.), a research
and development consortium of partner companies that work
with defense contractors to optimize manufacturing methods.
Lockheed eventually adopted a diamond-coated compression
router supplied by NCDMM member AMAMCO Tool (Duncan, S.C.),
and tested the tool on the DST machining center.
Andrew Gilpin, AMAMCO’s business development manager,
says results of tests with the diamond-coated composite
tool were promising: The number of tools required to machine
an entire wingskin was reduced from 24 to 2, and the path
a single tool could machine in a composite was increased
from 9 to 57 linear ft (2.7 to 17.4m). Gilpin says the key
to the tool’s success is in its design, which uses
two opposing flutes (see top photo) that sandwich composite
layers together, rather than pulling them all in one direction:
“Like scissors, not a shovel,” he says. “It
gives a nice, clean shearing effect.”
AMAMCO developed
the geometries and manufactures the tools. The diamond coating,
12µ thick, is provided by Diamond Tool Coating LLC
(North Tonawanda, N.Y.). Lockheed Martin was so satisfied
with the AMAMCO tool that it approved it for production
and qualified it with ship-to-stock status for use on the
Other AMAMCO diamond-coated tools are currently used by
Lockheed in other drilling applications on the F-35. Gilpin
says that in one application, an AMAMCO diamond-coated tool
provided a useful life of 1,200 holes (bottom photo), compared
to the 275-hole life of a competing PCD tool that was drilling
a hole one-third the depth of the AMAMCO diamond-coated
tool. Although Lockheed reports that the diamond-coated
tools run at about 8,500 rpm, compared to 5,000 for PCD
tools, Gilpin says that diamond-coated tools, on the whole,
turn slower than PCD tools, but provide a faster feed rate.
Lockheed is evaluating a range of AMAMCO tools, ranging
in diameter from 0.125 to 0.4 inch (3.2 to 10.1 mm).